Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Sushi anyone?

The thought of $0.99 rolls at *Day Ol Sushi sounds about as good as that $6.00 manicure down the street.  Not sure if there is a salon down the street offering a $6.00 manicure, but some things you pay a little extra for to save on medical bills.  You pay a little more for sushi so you aren't hugging the porcelain bus all night.  You pay a little more for your manicure so you don't have to cover up fungus for the rest of your life. 
According to Medical News Today, "Nail fungus is a common infection that affects more than 2.5 million Americans annually.  The most common way that nail fungus is spread is by using utensils that haven't been properly sterilized. One California salon spread infection through more than 110 of their clients. The sources were spa chairs that hadn't been properly cleaned. This company wasn't thoroughly cleaning out the bowls on their spa chairs; as a result, microorganisms were growing inside the filters."
Here at Mani Pedi Cutie we double sanitize our implements.  First in Quats (Quaternary ammonium compound) then in a medical grade sterilizer, the Autoclave!   We invite you to visit our prep-station, ask to see the autoclave, check our files, and walk bare-foot on our floor, go ahead, I dare you!
Mani Pedi Cutie is here to provide the best service, polish, massage, atmosphere and the most sanitary environment possible.  Let us know if we're not providing that for you at any time!
You pay for sanitation, conversation (eh hum....), the convenient location, and quality. 
Anyone for sushi?
*not actual name of sushi resturant

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